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I feel like I’m watching too much porn

How much porn is too much porn?

📖 3 min read

There’s no set amount of porn that counts as too much. Everyone’s relationship with porn is different and it impacts everyone differently.

Feeling like you are watching too much porn is more about feeling like it's having a negative effect on you, or feeling like you can’t control how much you watch.

Developing a Healthy Relationship to Porn

📺 1 min watch

Some signs you are watching too much porn

If you feel like porn's becoming a problem and interfering in your life by making you feel bad, or it's impacting your personal relationships or your relationship with your body, then you could consider taking a break. If you don’t feel like that’s something you can do alone then it could be useful to talk to someone.

Is porn addictive?

📗 Addiction is continued use of porn despite negative consequences.

Ultimately it comes down to if you feel in control of your porn use.

Compared to other media, porn is focused on getting consumers and viewers to let go of impulse control (so they can orgasm). This especially intense neurochemical 'reward' (orgasm) is followed by a 'crash', which can lead to even more addictive cycles, seeking increasing levels of stimulation. So next time you may need to watch more or more intense porn, in order to feel the same excitement.

So if you feel like your porn use is getting out of control you could consider taking a break and seeing if you feel better for it, talking to someone, or getting help.

What should I do if I don’t like my relationship with porn?

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